‘A Christmas Prince’: the holiday crash you can’t look away from

Can something be so mediocre it’s captivating? It’s a question we’re still grappling with after watching Netflix’s “A Christmas Prince,” a beat-for-beat Hallmark-style Christmas movie released in November. “A Christmas Prince” is by no means good. Stale acting, laughable dialogue, predictable plot points and unrealistic happenings deck the halls of this flick. But somehow, the […]

‘Troll 2’: OH MY GAAAAAHD, a review

Since the dawn of the YouTube era, several clips and gifs from 1990 B-Movie classic “Troll 2” have made their way to numerous Facebook walls and Twitter feeds. But how many people have actually sat through the film? For the sake of humanity, we hope not many. But for those who enjoy bad movie magic, […]

‘Transformers: ‘The Last Knight:’ please be the last

This will not be one of those reviews arguing a winding point-of-view, complete with peaks, valleys and interesting surprises. This film is trash from front to back, not remotely interesting and not worth anyone’s time. The review will probably follow suit (but we’ll oblige anyway). “Transformers: The Last Knight” was made by a man who […]

“Code of Honor”: as generic as it gets.

To start, neither of us have ever seen a Steven Seagal movie prior to “Code of Honor,” so we didn’t really know what to expect. What we got was an incredibly predictable action movie with groan inducing cliches occurring so frequently that within 10 minutes we both had entirely filled out our Action-Movie Bingo cards. […]